20 produkter

Adjustable Olympic Bench, Bänkpress
"Sliding Bench"-system gör att du kan placera ställningen i exakt rätt position

Animal Incline Breaker Bench, Bänkpress
Built-in large spotters platform and fully adjustable bar catchers

Adjustable Hack Squat, Plate Loaded
"Our new Hack Squat gives you the simplest way to hit your legs from every angle"

Animal Dual Stack Leg Extension, Gymmaskiner Ben
Benspark "Super smooth Dual stack ISO lateral Leg Extension"

Dual Adjustable Pulley, Cable Cross
"One of the most versatile and multi-functional cable machines available"

Cable Crossover, Kryssdrag
Swivel pulley housings mounted high and low with two 120 kg weight stacks