Master Sport

Tillverkare (0/1 vald)
26 produkter

Incline chest press, Plate Loaded

Incline chest press, Plate Loaded

Bröstpress lutande "All steel elements are laser cut with exceptional accuracy"
0 kr
Shoulderpress, Plate Loaded

Shoulderpress, Plate Loaded

Axelpress "Possibility of imposing heavy loads (up to 100 kg on each arm)"
0 kr
Lat pull, Plate Loaded

Lat pull, Plate Loaded

Latsdrag med fasta armar
0 kr
Bicepmachine, Plate Loaded

Bicepmachine, Plate Loaded

Bicep curl (separata armar) strength machine with free weights load
0 kr
Tricep dip, Plate Loaded

Tricep dip, Plate Loaded

Tricep press for exercising the three-headed arm muscles
0 kr
Low Row, Plate Loaded

Low Row, Plate Loaded

Rodd med bröstplatta "Equipped with special non-slip rubberized strips"
0 kr
Leg extension, Plate Loaded

Leg extension, Plate Loaded

Benspark "laser cut with exceptional accuracy, translates into quality of exercise"
0 kr
Standing leg curl, Plate Load

Standing leg curl, Plate Load

Benböj Stående "Exceptional accuracy, which translates into quality of exercise"
0 kr
Glute press, Plate Load

Glute press, Plate Load

Gluteus machine in the group of free weights for exercising the buttocks muscles
0 kr
Legpress, Plate Loaded

Legpress, Plate Loaded

Benpress "Increase your strength capabilities without fear of serious injuries"
0 kr
Flat Pressbench with arms, Plate Load

Flat Pressbench with arms, Plate Load

Bröstpress liggande "All steel elements are laser cut with exceptional accuracy"
0 kr
Wide Chestpress, Plate Loaded

Wide Chestpress, Plate Loaded

Bröstpress Bred "Pneumatic 9-step seat adjustment, visible & ergonomic handle"
0 kr
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