Front Pull Down, Plate Loaded

"Get an effective workout with Evolve Front Pull Down strength machine"

Artikelnr: ES-57056
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  • Beskrivning

    Get an effective workout with Evolve Front Pull Down Plate Loaded strength machine which will provide maximum stability. Soft PVC covers on feet prevents floor damages and ensures maximum stability during the most intense workouts. Adjustable seat and leg support help users choose the optimal workout position to fit different needs. Easy to use adjustment handles are painted in a bright red color, which makes them easy to identify and recognize.

    Gedigna och välgjorda maskiner och bänkar för fria viktskivor som tål tuff användning. Med inbyggda vikthållare


  • Om varumärket

    Evolve är det prisvärda men moderna och smarta alternativet för träningsmaskiner. Utvecklat i Europa och med bas i Litauen levererar Evolve stilren design med väl genomtänkta funktioner.

    Evolve's egna ord: "Evolve Fitness is a patented brand. We produce our equipment and inventory in world’s biggest elite factories which also manufacture other world-known fitness brand equipment. We order and store huge amounts of items straight from factories, and offer it to you without any middleman retail or wholesale sellers, which is why we can offer the best equipment in the industry for considerably lower prices than other brands.

    ​We provide fitness equipment and inventory straight from the factory which is very beneficial to You, since there are no additional costs for middleman sellers. You get only the best items in the industry firsthand.

    We consider users’ needs constantly and focus our attention to ergonomic design and innovative features which allow gym owners to attract more clients and ensure effective workouts with minimum maintenance. Evolve Fitness stands out of other brands because we persistently test, pick and provide the industry with the highest quality products in their class. This is why each product is no-doubt the ideal version of itself for the best price."

    Mer information här: https://www.evolve-fitness.eu/